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"A" Cable Suspension

"A" Cable Suspension Bolts are supplied with two square nuts. One nut is used to fasten the square head bolt to the pole and the other nut is used to secure a straight or angle cable suspension clamp to the bolt.



Minimum Tensile Strength: 5/8" = 13,550 LBS  3/4" = 20,050 LBS

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JCA6645.A01 Dim Drawing Image

"A" Cable Suspension

Catalog Number Diameter Bolt Length 'L' (Inches) Thread Length 'T' (Inches) Weight/100 (lbs)
JCA6645.A01 5/8 8 4 85
JCA6645.A02 5/8 10 6 104
JCA6645.A03 5/8 12 6 120
JCA6645.A04 5/8 14 6 138
JCA6645.A05 5/8 16 6 153
JCA6645.A06 5/8 18 6 168
JCA6645.A07 5/8 20 6 192
JCA6645.A10 3/4 10 6 165
JCA6645.A11 3/4 12 6 187
JCA6645.A12 3/4 14 6 204
JCA6645.A13 3/4 16 6 220
JCA6645.A14 3/4 18 6 220

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